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Announcements Announcements - 4/14/2019
Apr 14, 2019 Announcements - 4/14/2019

We will be taking a trip to Lake Sumter State College on Monday, April 15. The bus will leave from Alee at 7:30 and return to school around 10 a.m. Seniors were given a chance to sign up to attend.

Announcements Welcome Back
Mar 24, 2019 Welcome Back

We hope you have enjoyed Spring Break! Tomorrow we return for the final 9 weeks of the year!

Announcements Beta Release of New 2017-2018 School and District Report Cards
Mar 13, 2019 Beta Release of New 2017-2018 School and District Report Cards

The department is excited to announce the release of the beta version of Florida’s education reports portal, EduData, which includes the 2017-18 School and District Report Cards. Redesigned to meet the requirements outlined in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), the report cards will serve as a valuable resource for understanding important information about Florida’s districts and schools, and we look forward to this opportunity to receive input on their usability.

Fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Feb 05, 2019 Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser

We are having our annual spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Friday February 8, 2019 from 5-7 pm. Tickets are available from staff, students, or in the school office for $7.00 each.

Announcements Hope Scholarship
Nov 01, 2018 Hope Scholarship

Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, a student enrolled in a Florida public school in kindergarten through grade 12 who has been subjected to an incident of battery; harassment; hazing; bullying; kidnapping; physical attack; robbery; sexual offenses, harassment, assault, or battery; threat or intimidation; or fighting at school the opportunity to transfer to another public school with capacity or enroll in an approved private school under the Hope Scholarship.

Announcements School Improvement Rating 2018
Oct 31, 2018 School Improvement Rating 2018

Alee Academy is happy to announce that our School Improvement Rating for 2017-2018 is Maintaining.