A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is an evidence-based framework for school improvement. This framework involves the systematic use of multiple sources of data to most efficiently allocate academic and behavioral resources for the purpose of improving learning for all students. Through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports, schools focus on high-quality core instruction and provide interventions which are appropriately matched to the needs of students for the purposes of remediation and enrichment.
To ensure efficient use of resources, schools begin with the identification of trends and patterns through the analysis of universal data (i.e. school-wide and grade/course-level data). This data analysis drives the strategies and initiatives to eliminate barriers and improve the effectiveness of core and academic and behavioral systems for all students. For students who are under performing significantly as compared to their peers, supplemental and targeted interventions and supports are provided, both in small groups and individually, at increasing levels of intensity.
Note: Exceptional Student Education (ESE) and English Language Learners (ELLs) are not tiers. Also, MTSS is not a series of events conducted for the purpose of identifying a disability. On the contrary, MTSS is a framework used for the purpose of providing multiple levels of instructional, social, and emotional support for all learners.