Alee Academy begins its twenty-forth year of serving at-risk high school students in Lake County. The past twenty-three years have been quite memorable as have each of the students who have successfully graduated from high school each year. Some of the highlights have been the recipient of the 2002 Crystal Star Award of Excellence in Dropout Prevention and in 2008, 2013 and again in 2018 being recognized by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools-Counsel on Accreditation and School Improvement as an Accredited School. Accreditation means that Alee Academy meets the AdvancED standards, engages in continuous improvement, and demonstrates quality assurance through internal and external review. The standards are based in the research on the factors that impact student achievement. The accreditation process helps schools and districts bring together all the parts of the school or district to improve student and organizational performance.
We are pleased to welcome you and your students back for another school year. We also look forward to a very successful and rewarding year working in concert with you–the parents–to assure your students continued learning and academic success. We are Fam-Alee.
The Alee Academy staff is comprised of a group of competent, caring and committed individuals who are truly a team. Each and every staff member brings his or her own special gifts and talents to fulfill the vision of Alee Academy.