Good Evening!
Tonight is our Tiujuana Flats Spirit Night in Mt. Dora! It’s going on until 9 p.m. tonight and we hope you will enjoy some yummy food to help our school.
Tomorrow, February 20th begins the spring FSA ELA and Algebra 1 EOC Retake window. Students that need to take either of these tests need to be prepared to take their test tomorrow. Students are required to remain in the testing room for a minimum of 90 minutes so parents I’m asking for your help. Please plan any appointments your child may require, in the afternoon for the next few weeks if at all possible. The FSA ELA test requires 3 test sessions and the Algebra 1 EOC retake requires 2 test session. Students can only take 1 session per day.
Looking ahead, we will be offering the SAT during school in March. The SAT school day is offered to all 11th grade students for free and we encourage every junior to take this opportunity to try and meet their graduation requirement.
I hope to see everyone at school tomorrow!