I hope you all have enjoyed the weekend and are prepared for the cool weather this coming week.
I want to begin by first congratulating the students that earned a passing score on their ELA test this past week. It is incredible to see how many students have now met their ELA requirement for graduation! I am so very proud of each one of you! I also want to congratulate all of my staff on this achievement as well. All of you play such an important role in our students’ success. Great job to everyone!
The testing window will continue through December 15th so any of our students that need any of their state testing, please be prepared everyday by getting a good night’s rest, eating a healthy breakfast and getting to school on time. Let’s see another week of passing scores!!!
Students and staff that indicated they would like to record a short video about their experience with Powerhouse will be going to UHS for about an hour on Monday, December 11th. Please try and wear your PowerHouse shirt.
Yesterday, we had a table at the Cracker Christmas Festival in Umatilla. We sold “Snowman Soup” to kick off our fundraising efforts to raise money for this year’s prom. We sold a lot at the festival but have more to sell. We will sell Snowman Soup this week at school. They will make great little gifts for younger brothers & sisters, nieces, nephews, or cousins. They are $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. We will even add a special message if you want.
Parents, this is just a reminder that your student should be at or very close to 50% complete with their Edgenuity courses when we return from the Christmas break on January 4th. Students are encouraged to use their time at school to work on their courses, but if need be, they can also work on their assignments and quizzes from home, but tests and exams must be taken on campus. They do not need their school issued chromebooks to work at home. Edgenuity is an internet based program so any internet capable device can be used. If your student needs to use their school issued chromebook, they may request permission from me and if they have been actively working hard while IN school, I am more than willing to allow them to take their chromebooks home - just remember, they must bring them back everyday or they won’t have a device to work on while they are at school.
Students and staff, it’s the time of year to start showing your holiday spirit so tomorrow, wear your favorite Christmas shirt. Tuesday is our Ugly Christmas Sweater contest so wear your ugliest Christmas sweater. On Wednesday, it’s Crocs and Holiday Socks day! Thursday is the day to show your holiday spirit from your head to your toes!
A reminder that 12/18, 12/19, and 12/20 we will dismiss at 1:30 p.m. Students will return to school on January 4, 2024.
We have been blessed with a plethora of resources to help families this holiday season. If you are in need of support, please don’t hesitate to reach out to either myself or Mrs. Bob, our school social worker. We would be honored to help your family in any way we can. You can find both of our email addresses on the school website.
As always, I thank you for your continued support of your child and our entire Fam - Alee.
Have a great rest of your Sunday!