Good evening family, this is Mrs. Emerick with your week at a glance for the week of May 6th.
We only have three weeks before summer break and they are going to be full, but it is important to take some time and celebrate some of the hardest working people I know this week during employee appreciation week.
If you have some spare time, a minute or two, please show them all how much they’re appreciated with a quick note of thanks this week.
Tomorrow all students in grades 9 and 10 will be taking the PM3 reading test.
Juniors and seniors will also be taking this test as it serves as the required test for graduation.
Parents, please, I need all students in school and on time tomorrow.
It is also important that the rest of this week students are on time because the EOCs for biology and US history will also be given. Algebra 1 EOC and geometry EOC will begin next week. So this week we are focusing just on reading biology and US history so that we get everyone tested this week and then can focus on algebra and geometry next week.
As many of you know, earlier this year we lost one of our students to a tragic automobile accident. As part of our healing, we will have a dedication ceremony on Wednesday, May 8th, after lunch. Michael’s family will be joining us and all students are invited to attend.
This Friday the campus will be open from 8 to 12 for students that need to come in. Every evening this week there will be a Zoom room from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
If you are interested in joining the Zoom room where you can work on quizzes and tests during that time, please be sure that you email Mr. Stewart on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and email me on Monday and Thursday. Students if you are interested please be sure that you let us know prior to leaving for the day if you are interested in joining the Zoom room.
We will tickets are still being sold if any student is interested in going, it is going to be an incredible experience, tickets are $125 and anyone that has already paid their deposit, please make sure that you pay the remainder of your ticket price by Wednesday May 8th.
May 10th at 12 o’clock noon all work must be turned in for our graduating seniors because May 17th is graduation day.
Our ceremony will be at the First Baptist Church in Umatilla.
Graduates are expected to be at the church on graduation day May 17th at 9 o’clock a.m. for practice and then return back at 6 o’clock p.m. The doors will open for families and guests at 6.30. Seeding is a first come, first serve basis.
The cost of caps and gowns is $50 and can be paid by cash or check at the school or by credit card on the school store.
If you have any questions at all please feel free to give the school a call, 352-357-9426 or send me a quick email and we will be sure to answer your questions as promptly as possible. That’s all I have, have a great rest of your Sunday, bye bye.