Weekly Announcements

Sep 24, 2023

Good Sunday Afternoon Fam-Alee,

Here are a few updates from last week and announcements for this coming week, September 25th - September 29th.

Last week, approximately 40 of our students and about 100 UHS students were introduced to the Powerhouse Youth Project at Umatilla High School. The students listened to stories of troubles and triumph from the guest speakers, Noble Sheep. After hearing that each and every student in the room had a passion and a purpose, the students made a commitment to POWER UP when things get tough because that is the attitude shift that must take place before one’s true purpose can be found. We are so thankful to be a part of the Powerhouse Youth Project and see our students develop into the amazing and successful young people we all believe they can be.

Just a reminder to all student drivers, parking passes are expected to be displayed on the back, driver’s side window. If you have not purchased your parking pass, please be sure that you do so ASAP. Parking passes can be purchased in the front office for $30.00. Drivers need to bring their license, registration, and insurance card. A copy of these documents will be kept on file in the front office. Failure to display a parking pass may be cause for your vehicle to be towed off property at the owners expense. This is not negotiable as it is a safety issue.

All 11th and 12th grade students will be retake testing this week. We will be testing Reading, Algebra 1, Biology, and US History EOCs. We just want to remind all students that these tests are very important because they will affect graduation. Students should be on time to school, well rested, and ready to do their best.

Mark your calendars for Friday, September 29th! It’s spirit day at Panda Express in Mt. Dora ! Our event goes live at 10:30 a.m. and closes when the doors close at 9:30 p.m.! If you prefer to order online, you can do so using the Panda app or through PandaExpress.com but be sure to use Alee Academy’s unique online code 360360. The flyer that you will need to show if you plan to dine in will be sent home with students, posted on our school website, and on our Facebook page. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our school!