Florida’s Back to School Sales Tax Holiday is July 25th through August 7th. No sales tax on school supplies, clothing, footwear, computers and computer accessories–all have spending limits–purchase in Florida.
FOR DETAILS: 2022 Florida Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday FAQs
- Dress code is a school uniform t-shirt, long sleeve uniform shirt, or school sweatshirt. These items can only be purchased from the school and are not to be altered in any way - this includes tying them up.
- Hoodies are not permitted.
- Solid color long sleeve non-uniform shirts are permitted but must be worn UNDER a school uniform t-shirt.
- Bottoms:
- Denim jeans with small holes at the knee or below are ok.
- Shorts must be denim or khaki material - no Nike shorts or baseball style shorts. The length must be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee.
- All bottoms must be worn at the natural waist - NO SAGGING.
- Sweatpants are not permitted.
- Leggings are not permitted.
- Form fitting skirts are not permitted.
- Shoes:
- All shoes worn must have a solid bottom.
- Steel toe boots are not permitted.
- Flip flops, sandals and slides are acceptable.
- Miscellaneous
- Hats & other head coverings are not permitted.
- Sunglasses are not permitted to be worn inside the building.
- Backpacks/bags of any kind are not permitted on campus or on the bus.
We will have several opportunities to “dress down” throughout the year but regular dress code is expected to be followed by all students.
Dont forget, cell phones and other electronics are collected each morning and returned at the end of the school day.
Students will receive a copy of the Parent and Student Handbook 2022-2023 during the first few days of school. Parents, please take a moment to look it over and return the signature page. It has been updated from last year.
Any questions, please email Mrs. Emerick .
As a reminder, our Open House will be 8/8/2022, 3pm - 6pm.