Good Sunday Afternoon Parents, Students, and Staff.
There is no school Monday, February 21, 2022 in observance of President’s Day. I hope you all enjoy this extra day off.
Parents, please take a few moments to complete the survey that was sent to your email. It can also be found on our school website. Scroll to the middle of the home page and you will see the link for the Parent Survey. Your opinions really do matter!
As many of you know, I relaxed our dress code to allow students to wear their hoodies or hooded jackets with the expectation that they would not wear the hoods in the building. Unfortunately this simple request has not been followed and is becoming an issue that takes away from teaching and learning. I sent an email to all students and parents yesterday to inform you that we are no longer allowing students to wear their hoodies or any type of hooded jacket. Please be sure to check your email. I included the section from the parent and student handbook that discusses dress code. Students will be dress coded and assigned a detention if they are out of dress code beginning Tuesday, February 22, 2022.
FSA and Algebra 1 Retakes will begin this week. Students that are in need of either or both of these tests will need to be prepared. This includes having a positive attitude, having breakfast, and getting a good night sleep. Because we are beginning testing season, we cannot allow students to wear their smart watches in school. They will be collected at the door upon arrival and returned at the end of the day. Technology of any kind to include cell phones and smartwatches can invalidate tests and we need to ensure that every student’s test is scored! Parents, please help us by reminding your student to turn in their cell phone and smart watch when they arrive at school. Students that are caught with either of these items will be assigned an after school detention. Parents will be required to pick up students at 3:15 on the day of the detention.
We hope to have another great week at Alee Academy and, as always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Have a great rest of your weekend!