I hope you all have gotten some rest and all that have been sick are starting to feel better. I pray these 2 weeks away from school gives everyone the time they need to get better because we fully intend to move back to in-person learning on Monday, January 31st. Parents, if your student has tested positive for COVID-19, please be sure to send me an email with those results so we are able to mark your child’s attendance appropriately. We will continue remote teaching and learning this week. The school office will be open from 7:30-2:30 Monday thru Thursday so if your child needs their Chromebook or an internet hotspot, please let us know you need to stop by and pick one up. The teachers will have their zoom rooms open from 7:30-10:30 and again from 1:00-3:00 Monday thru Thursday. We are also available by email and through Google Classroom. This schedule, Zoom codes, and Google Classroom codes are all posted on our school website . Students have been doing a great job working on their APEX and Google Classroom lessons so please continue working just as hard this week.
When we return to school on January 31st, students will be taking their APM test to monitor their progress so far this year. We will also be hosting our next blood drive on our campus February 3rd from 7:00 - 2:00 . Since our plans to celebrate National School Choice this week is not possible because we are teaching and learning remotely, we have invited Mr. Cody from Kona Ice to come by at the end of the day on February 3rd for students to purchase a sweet treat if they want.
Thank you all for your understanding and flexibility during this crazy time. Please know that our FAM-ALEE misses seeing our students everyday and cannot wait until we are back in person on January 31st!