Dual Enrollment (DE) Classes

Alee Academy is proud to offer DE classes with Lake Technical College and Lake-Sumter State College. Look below for a list of DE classes offered at your school.

General Information

Lake Technical College

Students eligible to participate in dual enrollment are those attending a Lake County public high school or a Florida private secondary school, as defined and regulated by State statute (FS1007.271), or those participating in home education programs. All dual enrollment participants must meet the following criteria:

  • be at least 16 years of age and in the 11th or 12th grade;
  • have a viable career-technical goal;
  • have at least a 2.0 unweighted GPA. All high school students are strongly encouraged to have passed the FCAT prior to dual enrollment;
  • have TABE scores within two grade levels of state mandated exit requirements for completion of the selected program; and
  • have good attendance and discipline records.

Attached is the Lake Technical College Dual Enrollment Application and information sheet for the 2015-16 school year. Students who meet the eligibility requirements for DE, and wish to dual enroll this fall, should complete the application and return it to our Admissions Office soon. By the end of this school year, the student should take the TABE test and/or any other appropriate placement tests for the program. After testing, the student should meet with a Lake Tech Career Advisor in Admissions to discuss test results, program interests, applicable fees, etc.

Dual enrollment seats will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis. The placement of DE students into fall classes will begin at the end of June, and counselors will be notified when their student(s) secure a seat in a program.

Lake-Sumter State College

Dual Enrollment (DE) allows qualified students to enroll in college courses through local and state colleges and universities while still in high school. Credit earned through DE can be used towards fulfillment of a high school graduation requirement and can also be used as college credit. Students who qualify may enroll in a college course, and the tuition and textbook cost is waived. No transportation is available. Students can only take courses after regular school hours, in addition to the courses they are enrolled in at their high school. In order to qualify for dual enrollment, students must be entering or be in grade 10, grade 11, or grade 12, must have a 3.0 unweighted grade point average (GPA), and meet all the college/university criteria for admission.

What you wanted to know about Dual Enrollment

  • Requires a 3.00 unweighted Grade Point Average (GPA) to participate.
  • To participate, you must be a rising 10th Grade student.
  • Requires approval from parent/guardian, counselor and principal. The school is under no obligation to accept credit without it.
  • Grades for the courses will be posted on high school transcript independently of student’s choice.
  • Requires completion of all college or university admission requirements, including passing a placement test if required.
  • The Dual Enrollment course requested must meet a high school requirement and must fit into the overall postsecondary plan.
  • The course fee is waived by the college/university, and the District pays for the required books/materials.
  • Transportation to and from the college/university is the student’s responsibility.
  • Required return for all textbooks issued or else will be financially responsible to the high school.

Application - Dual Enrollment 2015-2016

Dual Enrollment at Lake Technical Center 2015-2016